Rating Methodology

We have two types of reviews; invited and anonymous. Invited reviews happen when an establishment asks us over to write about their food, and anonymous reviews happen when we visit an establishment on our own. In both the cases, review is written in an unbiased fashion. We refrain from mentioning service for invited reviews for obvious reasons, but we do mention negative service notes for invited reviews.
The ratings are against establishments in the same class. Therefore, a street food vendor and a luxury hotel, both may share a similar rating.
The ratings are given on a variety of parameters including but not limited to Cleanliness, ambiance, service, food, variety, drinks, authenticity, decor among others.
(1/5) – Terrible
(2/5) – Below Average
(2.5/5) – Average
(3/5) – Above Average
(3.5/5) – Good
(4/5) – Very Good
(4.5/5) - Excellent
(5/5) – Best of Food Freak
Please note, your food experience may differ from ours and so could your taste. Please note the date of the review. Any review over 2 months may be taken with a pinch of salt for anything written, good or bad. Management changes happen, Chefs come and go and attitudes do swing up and down the spectrum all the time.